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Thursday, September 20, 2012

BBQ Pit Masters at Atlantic Station

I love me some barbeque. I was raised on that stuff. You strawbabies know I'm a country gal from Fort Gaines, Georgia. I mean just country. Anywho, we will save where I'm from for another topic on a different day, but this weekend. I got to be a part of the Atlanta Barbeque Festival and on top of that they were there filming "BBQ Pitmasters"
Well if any of you love barbeque and are familiar it is a TV show that comes on. Well, just scroll down I've included a clip of that too. I mean strawbabies I want you to be informed. About this barbeque thing because if you didn't know. Now you know and you have really been missing a real good thing if you don't do barbeque or if you really don't like barbeque. If you even say I really don't like it I have to say that it is sooo many kinds of barbeque, good barbeque that is if you get a hold to the right sauce and that tender meat.
 Strawbabies...... Break....I need me a barbeque sandwich. Just keep reading. I will back in a few....

Almost forgot, Take a look below. This is Mr.Melvin's barbeque. Ken's Wet Wets. Mr.Melvin is a beast too on that grill but anywho.Break.........Let me go get me a sandmich for they are gone. Lol.
Tags:barbeque, pitmasters, grills, smoke, charcoal

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