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Monday, October 21, 2013

PS Harrah Motorcoach Tour Cont...

Monies for the trip is due No Later Than November 5th 2013.   You can pay on under Pink Cart or on Eventbrite. You can also call and arrange to pay by other methods.

You can find updated information:

Facebook Page PS Harrah Motorcoach Tour

Eventbrite PS Harrah Motorcoach Tour

Carlynn Thornton Melvin

Monday, October 14, 2013

Im Back!!Strawbabies

I realized over this long break that blogging, fashion and events is what I do. This is my passion and something I love to do . Plus I learned that life goes on and ever test in your life should be pushed to the max. I also believe that every dream you have should be fulfilled. In saying that, Thanks to all my loyal Strawbabies for supporting me. Now its on to the blog world. I hope you enjoy!!!
Carlynn Thornton Melvin