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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Expose Yourself and Conquer your FEAR.


Well its all about self help on here. Conquering. Living and just enjoying the short moments we have here on earth. Okay, so let me tell you about this.

I am afraid of heights. Actually afraid is a understatement. Let me rephrase that.


Yeah, this past weekend. I conquered a fear. Okay, I know you are saying how. Well first off let me tell you I didn't start off being afraid of heights. I fell 7 stories so I started being afraid of heights. Let me explain. It was kind of weird because as long as I am in a plane or in a building I am okay looking at the skyline or the view. But lets say you tell me to go on the roof top or stand on top of a mountain or just be outside and suspended in the air. NOPE couldn't do it .  Well this weekend all that changed for your girl.

I made up in my mind that FEAR is a weakness. FEAR will make me miss my blessings and my calling. If you put it on a mountain top outside Strawbabies your girl right here would have missed the mark.

I have snowboarded, skied. bungee jumped, um been in the ALPs. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower all before I fell. After I fell I just had a fear of I guess falling again and this time maybe not coming out so blessed.

Anywho, I told my mind I would NEVER. I trained my mind to stop living my life. I live a um adventurous life. So heights in my life are kind of a way of  life for me because somethings I have to go heights to get to them.

How can you soar with eagles and you are afraid of  Heights?

                       Answer: You CAN'T BECAUSE EAGLES SOAR THE HEIGHTS.

So, I made up in my mind to do it. Conquer it. So this is what I did.

I drove to Amicalola Falls. Yessss Chasing Waterfalls. I got in my car and headed 2 hours north of Atlanta to conquer a fear. On top of conquering this fear. I was celebrating my brother's birthday and in remembrance I wanted to PUSH through and use all the things he taught me. One of them was PUSH.

At the base of the Waterfall.

The Waterfall. Photo Credit

Stairs leading up to the top of the Falls. Photo credit

The base of the waterfall. People were fishing here.

The moment I pulled over to take a breath and moment to realize. I conquered a FEAR.

I encourage you to make this beautiful journey also. You will surely love the beautiful views and cool breezes. The scenery is captivating and the waterfall lets just say it was AMAZING. There were even people there fishing for Trout.

On my quest. I drove up the mountain. Stood out and looked over the mountain. So a view I would have never have seen if I hadn't decided to just Conquer and Defeat.

I had a wonderful experience and I will most definitely be going back soon.

Did I say there was fishing?

Question for you Strawbabies.....

What FEAR do you need to conquer and defeat?

This is your year and everything attached to me is winning . So this means if you are reading this you are a Strawbaby and you are attached to me and we are winning.


Carlynn Thornton

Water your garden daily


As life goes on and evolves on its axis daily. We often go through storms, trials and experience many loss. During these experiences we often loose sight of the dream or the baby that you were birthing. Sometimes you get away from the things you love and hold dear and just go into survival mode to just keep a float.

Honestly, Strawbabies that's where I have been just trying to keep a float and pass the moments until everything feels real again. I was waiting for the perfect timing to relaunch. I was waiting for the perfect timing to start blogging again. I was really just waiting to start living again. As I blog this post I am in the perfect place to start blogging again because guess what I am blogging. I have tons to catch you up on and I have even experienced some life experiences at some point Strawbabies we will talk about.

I hope everyone is living and thriving and being the best Strawbaby ever because you know we sprinkle glitter every place we go and in every moment we experience.
I also want you to know that it is possible to keep pushing and win.

My new thing that keeps me going now is "Everything attached to me wins"  I got this inspiration from a gospel singer. I feel like this song really just pushed me out there to where I need to be.

My mindset is WINNING.

My blog was a dream of mines that I blogged through my experiences and shared all these things with you. Lately, I retreated into privacy and just focused on somethings that I needed to do. I had to conquer some things, I had to lose somethings, I gained somethings. I met new people. I let some things just go. I focused on me and my family and things that I hold near and dear. I wondered at times through all of this how is all of this possible and how did I get to almost being nonexistent. I never figured that one out till this very moment. I don't know how i let so many weeds grow in my garden. I don't know why I left my garden unattended for so long. My garden um looked like a jungle. So I started weeding, watering and growing. Nurturing my garden. I had to start somewhere.

I hope this post inspires you to Water your garden daily. Its your garden. You know how you want your garden to look. You know what you would like in it. People will come to your garden and give their opinions. Even try to destroy the garden you built. You have to realize that This is your garden and you have to water it daily to SURVIVE.

I hope this song inspires you as much as it inspired me.

Carlynn Thornton