Draya VH1 Basketball Wife-LA
Seven74 Boutique
Seven74 Boutique
You will also be able to purchase some of the newest collections which will be brought by the fashion designers to the event. The sample of the collection is available for you to try it first before you make a transaction and the lovely surprise that is waited by many guests is to have a video interview with Ramona Debreaux from the People Station v103′s when you purchase a clothing item or accessories.
The event will be started with shopping in the evening and then followed by the Bombay Sapphire cocktail courtesy, Hors d’oeuvres and you will be rocked down by a DJ, live performed, the showcasing and displaying of the hottest collection of accessories, jewelries, a red carpet event and a light camera action presented in the media room.
Applauds. - Shantrena